Tuesday 5 February 2013

Constructions - Reflections

Tuesday 29th January, was our second day of filming. We filmed the beginning section of our thriller. This was set by the lockers in the school common room. We chose this destination as school lockers are associated with school and is a common meeting point for students.

It took us around 45 minuets to film this section. It started with Shelly opening her locker and donald going over and asking if Shelly wanted to revise with him that following evening at his house. At first Shelly was hesitant but after reassurance she agreed. This was filmed within a few takes. We decided to take a close up of Donald speaking and of Shelly as well as a medium shot of the conversation.

We then filmed Sandra standing across the common room looking intently at Shelly and Donald. We could not film this whole section because we needed people to be in the common room. Therefore later during this week we plan to film during lunch or break.

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