Friday 8 February 2013

Construction - Bloopers

This is our group’s bloopers. Bloopers occurred often in our film making as the characters we were acting out seemed to be funny to us which made us keep laughing at each other therefore creating bloopers. There were a couple of common mistakes we had made, one which we have already discussed- laughing at each other. The second common mistake was not filming enough of different camera shots and angles, this meant that we had to go back and re film certain parts of our film with different shots to get our grade up to a higher standard.
We worked past our mistakes and bloopers by getting into our characters roles and making each other work seriously so that our work would get done. We also had to re film certain scenes again so that we would get the best shots without the camera shaking, the correct shots and lastly ones when we were not laughing.  

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