Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Construction- Making use of theory

Todorov Theory states that all films should have a narrative. A narrative is where there is a connection between events, such as a beginning, middle and end. There are five stages the narrative can progress through.
Firstly, a state of equilibrium (all is as it should be). In our film we can see a state of equilibrium because the first few scenes show Donald and Shelly talking by the lockers about their plans for that following evening. However, we can also see Sandra (Donald’s stalker) looking in on the conversation distressed, as she clearly wants to be the one going to Donald’s house. The next few scenes of Shelly entering Donald’s house keeps the state of equilibrium.
However a disruption starts to occur, as the viewers see Shelly entering Donald’s house, in the back of the shot we can see Sandra standing outside the house. This is the second stage of the narrative process. The following disruption that occurs in the middle of the film is where Sandra kills Shelly in the bathroom.
The third stage of the theory is where there is a recognition that the disorder has occurred. This can be shown when Donald goes to the bottom of the stairs looking for Shelly and instead sees Sandra at the top of the stairs with a knife; covered in Shelly’s blood. This shows that Donald has realised what has happened and that there has been a disruption in the equilibrium.
As this is only the opening sequence we cannot reach the full five stages. However if we continued the film the stages would have been completed because in an attempt to restore the damage of the disruption caused by Sandra. Sandra would have to pay for what she did to Shelly. Therefore there would be a slow restoration to a new equilibrium which could have been Donald moving on with his life.

Construction- Non Diegetic Music

This is a very good non-diegetic piece of music. It is very suspenseful as it is only noises and no-one is signing, if there was someone singing it would take away the effectiveness of the track. However it does not fit in with our project as some of it is not relevant to our plot.

Construction - Non Diegetic Music

This is one of the sound tracks we looked at but as this is a very suspenseful piece of music we though it was not the right choice for our film. 

Construction - Reflections

 Saturday 26th January, was our groups first day of filming. We started by filming the second scene set at Donald’s house. Throughout the day we took numerous shots covering different angles of each scene. We filmed Shelly entering Donald’s house and the events following up to Shelly being killed, which where Donald pressuring Shelly to drink, instead of revising.

We filmed each section around 3 times to make sure we had the best camera angle and shot. Some scenes took longer to film such as the killing scene in the bathroom as we had to make it look as realistic as possible also we had to use fake blood which took time to put on Shelly, the knife and the walls.

We all took turns in filming specific scenes. Shelly approaching Donald’s house was filmed by Liam. Shelly entering Donald’s house and the drinking scene was filmed by Emily. Shelly going entering the bathroom was filmed by Liam as was the killing scene. And finally Donald at the bottom of the stairs was filmed by Louise.

Over the next week we plan to complete filming. We have two more scenes to complete. Our opening scene which will be set in school, by the lockers and secondly, the flash back of Donald rejecting Sandra, which we plan to film in the drama studio.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Construction - Making use of Todorov Narrative Theory

Todorov Narritive Theory 

This is a picture diagram which explains the theory in a more simpler way.
Todorov proposes a basic narrative for all narratives. He stated that films and programmes begin with an equilibrium, a calm period which is at the beginning of the film this is more likely known as a happy start to the film. Then agents of disruption causes disequilibrium, a period of unsettlement an disquiet. Usually nearing the middle of the film a problem occurs. Then a realisation that a disruption has happened. This is a transition from normal to dis-order. After this an attempt to repair the damage of the disruption- the problem is solved or followed by a renewed state of peace and harmony for the protagonists and a new equilibrium brings the chaos to an end. The simplest form of narrative (sometimes referred to as 'classic' or 'Hollywood' narrative) or more likely known as a happy ending.

This is Tzvetan Todorov himself. He was a bulgarian linguist publishing work on the narrative since the 1960's. 

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Planning - Master Catalogue

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This is our master Catalog which tells you what props we are using for example the mobile phone which liam is holding in the photo, the location for example dagenham is where our filming is going to take place, the set- our school by the lockers, the characters information and the actors information which gives you a brief idea of what we are like in real life and what our characters are like.

Planning - Calendar

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This is our Calendar, the purpose of this calendar is to keep our group organised by reminding us which days we are to film each scene. Also it reminds us which days we are busy. This calendar will continue to be updated due to our ever changing time tables and plans. We will try to stick with this calendar as much as possible in order to keep organised. 

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Planning - Script

This is our script, this script will remind us of the plot of our film, it will also tell us of the text we will be using. This script will change once filming however we will try to keep to our script as much as we possibly can.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Planning- Mind Maps

Mind maps, are used for this planning to demonstrate the process. Our first mind map focuses on Mise En Scene. It describes the props that we will be using and the characters costumes. we will try to include all these props which are stated in the mind map enabling us to make our film to be the best it can be.
The next mindmap tell you about the characters, the roles they will be playing, the personalities of the characters and the relationships of the characters. It breaks down the characters story, this will make our film easier to understand.
Finally our last mindmap describes each scene in our film. Scene one explains how eloise and liam argue and have a domestic which means liam leaves to see the next girl.
Scene two shows how liam travels to emilys house his 'friendly intrest' once there they are drinking which leads on to the next scene.
Scene three tells you how emily leaves the room to use the bathroom and eloise then kills emily due to the anger and jelousy.