Tuesday 23 October 2012

Planning - Intro to ELEA Productions

Planning - Description of the Brief

Our group is making the opening scene to a Thriller movie consisting of two minutes. We will be documenting our progress through the use of Blogger, Youtube, Facebook and other social media tools.
We aim to make an opening that will draw peoples attention and make them want to watch the rest of the movie.
Our hopes are the opening scenes to our movie will be just like planned through a script, story board and spider diagrams.
The movie is a Thriller movie as been mentioned already, the movie will be directed at young adults and teenagers both male and female. This is because as researched these types of people watch thrillers.
We have 4 actors in our movie one male and three females this gives us the opportunity to vary what type of thriller we are going to be making. We hope to use the protagonist and antagonist affect.